

Brief introduction

Can't make up your mind which gorge to choose? Don't be picky an pay a visit to both - Manínska Gorge on your way to Záskalie and continue to Kostolecká Gorge on the way from Záskalie to Kotolec or Vrchteplá. While the first on offers a pass narrower than 4 metres, the other on invites you for a rock climbing adventure. The idyllic village of Záskalie creates an imaginary boundary between both magnificient gorges. It sits in the valley on Manin creek, whick created numerous unique natural formations around Manin mountains.

The bizarre rock formations of Manín and Kostolecká gorges are an attraction for admirers of pictures painted in nature into limestone rocks, as well as for active tourists and climbers who want to experience every inch of this beauty on their own. Especially the rock overhang in Kostolecká tiesňava, which is one of the biggest rocky overhangs in Slovakia, is one of the most sought after climbing or rock climbing terrain.

In Záskalie there is also a climbing school, whose graduates often verify their knowledge and skills on the steep rocks of both gorges - of course under professional supervision. To commemorate the victims of this challenging sport, a symbolic cemetery of those who underestimated the steepness of the rock walls and overestimated their strength was created in the Manín Gorge.

The beauty and mystery of the gorges were also inspired by the directors of feature films Jánošík, Perinbaba, Pehavý Max and Ghosts, Pacho, Hybic Outlaw, Wolf Hole and If I Had a Rifle. Some scenes of these movies were shot in this environment.


Municipal Office Záskalie
Záskalie 33
017 05 Považská Bystrica


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Travel in Slovakia - Good Idea Ministerstvo dopravy a výstavby SR

Project is realised with financial support of Ministry of transport and construction of the Slovak republic